Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Submits Note of Protest to France

| News, Azerbaijan

On October 3, Zacharie Gross, the French Ambassador to Azerbaijan, was invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Two days earlier, on October 1, a note of protest was presented regarding the act of vandalism committed against the Azerbaijani Embassy in France. 

According to the Press Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, the number of "attacks committed by radical Armenian groups" living in France against the diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan located in France has increased recently. It was brought to the other side's attention that the next such attack occurred at night on October 1, when a group of radical Armenians threw red paint on the administrative building of the Embassy and wrote insulting words against Azerbaijan on the building. "It was noted that the mentioned event occurred as a result of the failure of the French government to take necessary measures against the backdrop of the repeated demands of the French authorities to ensure the protection of the Embassy and its employees," the report said. 

The Press Service Office stated that the failure of the French government to ensure the security of Azerbaijan's diplomatic missions at an adequate level is considered by this country as a failure to fulfill the obligations arising from the 1961 Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations. "The competent authorities of France were requested to properly organize the protection of the diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Cultural Center located in the territory of this country, thoroughly investigate the acts of violence committed so far and bring the guilty persons to justice, eliminate the damage caused to the administrative building of the Embassy and ensure the payment of appropriate compensation," it said.

The French ambassador said that the incident against the Azerbaijani Embassy was regrettable and noted that the Azerbaijani side would submit the appeal to the competent authorities of France. 

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