Armenian Prime Minister visits Georgia

| News, Politics, Armenia, Georgia

On September 16, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited Georgia. At the joint briefing, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze thanked his Armenian counterpart and Armenia for supporting the UN resolution on the return of internally displaced persons and refugees to Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region. He added that this decision will further deepen the relations between our two countries.

According to Kobakhidze, during the meeting with his Armenian counterpart they discussed all aspects of relations between Georgia and Armenia, as well as challenges and global issues in the region. Kobakhidze thanked Pashinyan for his contribution to the development of bilateral relations.
"It is a great honor for me to receive the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia in Georgia for the first time as Prime Minister. It is an honor for me to receive a representative delegation from Armenia. I would like to recall my visit to Armenia in March and thank our hosts for their warm hospitality. Our relations, the relations between Georgia and Armenia, are based on centuries-old relations and friendship between our peoples and centuries-old respect. We are glad that all this has been transformed into our strategic partnership from the political point of view, which, of course, will contribute to further deepening of our relations. I am glad that the signing of the Strategic Partnership Agreement has already been a turning point in the deepening of our relations, and all this has concrete practical results. At today's meeting I thanked my colleague, Mr. Prime Minister, for his historic decision to support the UN resolution on the return of internally displaced persons and refugees to Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region. Of course, this decision will further deepen the relations between our two countries. I also thanked my colleague at the meeting for his support of sovereignty and territorial integrity. I would like to note the very high dynamics of our relations, we have very frequent bilateral visits at the highest level, high-level visits are very frequent and, of course, we are fully ready to maintain this very good dynamics in our relations and high intensity in these relations. Today we talked about the development of relations between our countries in all directions, be it political, economic cooperation or cooperation in the direction of culture, education or other fields. Of course, all these areas are of equal priority for us," Kobakhidze said.

The Georgian Prime Minister also spoke about Georgia's support for peace and stability in the region: "Georgia supports stability and peaceful coexistence in the South Caucasus, and in this regard I would like to stress the importance of our joint efforts in the process of addressing the challenges in the region. Georgia welcomes the peace agreement process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and in particular the efforts of the Armenian authorities to normalize relations with the neighboring countries. We are ready to play our role in ensuring peace and stability in the region to the best of our abilities. In conclusion, I would like to express my satisfaction with today's meetings. We have had very interesting discussions. I am glad that once again we had the opportunity to exchange our views on all issues related to the Georgian-Armenian relations, the processes taking place in the region, the processes taking place in the world, and once again I would like to thank Mr. Prime Minister for coming to Georgia and for his contribution to the development of Georgian-Armenian relations."

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