EU Allocates €10 Million in Military Aid to Armenia, Sparking Baku's Protest

| News, Security, Armenia, Azerbaijan

On July 22, the European Union allocated 10 million euros in military aid to Armenia through the European Peace Fund, prompting a protest from official Baku. After months of negotiations, the Council of the European Union approved the support for the Armenian Armed Forces.

The aid aims to enhance the Armenian army's material and technical capabilities and improve the protection of the civilian population during crises and emergencies. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell stated, "Security is becoming an increasingly important element of our bilateral relations with Armenia. This European Peace Fund measure will further contribute to the country's stability." Borrell highlighted a mutual interest in expanding the dialogue on foreign policy and security between the EU and Armenia, with the potential future participation of Armenia in EU-led missions and operations.

In response, official Baku protested the EU's decision, demanding transparent information regarding the aid. Aykhan Hajizade, the Press Secretary of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, criticized the decision as 'a very wrong and dangerous step' that increases regional tensions. Hajizade described the EU's actions as 'unilateral and biased,' accusing the Union of creating 'divisive lines' in the region. He argued that the military aid would bolster Armenia's military capabilities and contribute to its 'destructive activities' in the region, calling for an end to actions that fuel armament and militarization.

Conversely, Armenia welcomed the EU's decision on military aid. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan praised it as a 'very important stage in the Armenia-EU partnership based on shared values, principles, and a vision of prosperity.'

Russia Slams EU's Decision to Allocate €10 Million to Armenia's Military

Maria Zakharova, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, criticized the European Union’s (EU) decision to allocate €10 million to the Armenian Armed Forces. Speaking at a weekly press briefing, Zakharova stated that the EU’s move is intended to extend its destructive influence in the South Caucasus.

“We have repeatedly pointed out the fact that the EU has lost its peaceful basis and has no peacemaking potential that it can use. There were times when the EU, at least in words, aspired to some peaceful, stable situation, tried to strengthen something, and conducted negotiations. Now, it is obvious what decisions are being made and what documents are being signed. The EU has adopted a course of militarization and confrontation, and it is not serving the interests of its citizens but the interests of the US and NATO,” Zakharova noted

She asserted that geopolitical calculations drive the EU’s plan to extend its destructive influence in the South Caucasus. "Behind the plans of the European Union to allocate 10 million euros to support the armed forces of Armenia, of course, there are geopolitical calculations of the EU to spread its destructive influence on this region; that is, in Transcaucasia [i.e., the South Caucasus]. We are sure that, it seems to me, it is even obvious, and it can be seen directly from the example of Ukraine that the so-called 'European Peace Facility' is not about peace, stability, or security. It is about war, provoking countries, bloodshed,” Russian MFA spox added. 

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