Kadyrov Appoints Nephew to Key Security Position

| News, Politics, North Caucasus

On July 1, during a government meeting, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov announced the appointment of his 27-year-old nephew, Khamzat Kadyrov, as the Secretary of the Security Council. Khamzat previously served as an assistant to the head of Chechnya and is the son of Kadyrov's late brother, Zalimkhan, who passed away in 2004.

Prior to this appointment, another relative of Kadyrov, Turpal-Ali Ibrahimov, held the position of Secretary of the Security Council. He will now assume the role of head of the Shali district. Ibrahimov is the son of Kadyrov's aunt. Khamzat Kadyrov has been recognized with several orders and medals, including the prestigious "Hero of Chechnya" title awarded to him in November 2023.

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