Lavrov names pre-conditions for the normalization of Georgia-Russia relations

| News, Georgia

On 16 July, in an exclusive interview with the media platform ‘Argumenti I Fakti’ (Arguments and Facts), the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov commented on the recent developments between Russia and Georgia.

He stated that Russia aspires to have friendly relations and balanced cooperations with Georgia for the sake of the citizens of both countries. Asked about the current state of affairs between the Georgian government and the opposition parties, Lavrov responded that it is an internal affair of Georgia and that Russia is not going to intervene in it, but argued that the actions of radical forces in the Georgian political landscape are worrying to Russia. He also expressed hope that the Georgian leadership will shortly realise the damage the “anti-Russian hysteria” may cause and “find the strength” to condemn the action of Rustavi 2 TV moderator Giorgi Gabunia who insulted the Russian President Vladimir Putin on his live show. He underscored that the Georgian government must stabilize the socio-political situation in the country and ensure the safety of Russian citizens in order for the Russian-Georgian relations to return to normal.

The Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to Lavrov’s recent statements. “Safety of all foreign citizens and tourists, including Russians, is fully ensured in Georgia as Georgia is a safe country and this is confirmed by the EU and by many international ratings,” Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Vladimir Konstantinidi said. Konstantinidi added that the deadlock in relations was created after the occupation of Georgian territories by Russia in 2008, and would be solved when Russia withdraws its troops from Georgia, meets its international obligations and allows Georgian internally displaced persons to return to their homes. “At the same time we should preserve the progress we have achieved in trade, economic and humanitarian relations. To retain the progress, the current tension should be eased,” he concluded.

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