Shalva Papuashvili

Georgian Parliament Speaker Blames NGOs and Opposition for Violence Surge

Attacks on Protesters in Georgia Intensify

US State Department on Georgia's Euro-Atlantic Path; Georgian Speaker Criticizes Western Funding

US Senators Send Warning to Georgian PM Regarding Foreign Agents Bill

European Parliament Condemns Georgian 'Foreign Agents' Bill, Calls for Suspension of EU Talks

U.S. Human Rights Report Flags Deep Concerns in Georgia: Torture, Corruption, and Judicial Woes

Central Asia Visit: Georgian Parliament Speaker Engages in High-Level Talks

Georgia Objects to Ukraine's 'Sheltering of Georgian Criminals,' Urges Extradition

Georgian Parliament Chairman Raises Concerns Over NGO Funding Disparity

Controversy in Georgia: Ruling Party Slams Foreign Funded NGOs and USAID

Georgian Speaker Calls for Apology from Zelenskyy and Sandu Over Saakashvili Remarks

Georgian Dream Leaders Predict No Success for Political Forces "Opposing State, Church, and Identity"

US Coordinator on Global Anti-Corruption Visits Georgia

Georgian Dream Leaders Dismiss Gakharia's Debate Challenge as Absurd

Georgian Dream Confident of Victory Amidst 'Devastated' Opposition Landscape

Georgian Parliament Speaker: Georgia Must Not Be a Casualty of EU Political Wrangling