Azerbaijan Responds to EU Ambassador to Armenia Remarks About Azerbaijan-Armenia Relations

| News, Politics, Armenia, Azerbaijan

On May 15, when asked whether Azerbaijan will withdraw its troops, EU Ambassador to Armenia Andrea Wiktorin said: "We understand that it is extremely important to reach an agreement, and we hope that both sides will withdraw their troops and everyone will move on to delimitation and demarcation."

The Ambassador said: "It was clearly stated that a very precise delimitation and demarcation should be carried out at one or two points where the Armenian troops are in the border areas. This was the statement of Brussels; I am just repeating it. As for the graph, this depends on the negotiations. I hope that all the issues discussed in yesterday's meeting were re-drawn and several issues will be discussed at other levels. I hope we will soon reach a qualitative solution, which will also lead to respect for territorial integrity, which involves withdrawing troops."

The EU Ambassador did not explain what these points were and which areas they were talking about. "I am not familiar with the details; I heard about it from the negotiations," the Ambassador added.

On the same day, commenting on the statements of the head of the EU delegation to Armenia, Aykhan Hajizada, the Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, said that an attempt by the EU Ambassador to interfere in the internal affairs of Azerbaijan is unacceptable.

In response, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry indicated that Baku's position on this issue is well known. "These statements of the EU Ambassador, which are an attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of Azerbaijan contrary to the norms and principles of international law, are unacceptable. The Karabakh region is the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan, and, like other ethnic minorities living in Azerbaijan, the rights and security of the Armenians living in the country will be ensured within the framework of the legislation of our country. No one should interfere with the efforts of the Azerbaijani side for dialogue with the Armenian residents (of Nagorno-Karabakh). An end should be put to statements against our territorial integrity and sovereignty," the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry stressed.

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