Chechen Special Forces Leader Confirms Capture of Chechen Fighters by Ukrainian Army

| News, Security, North Caucasus

On August 13, Apty Alaudinov, the Akhmat Special Forces Commander, clarified that the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) had captured five fighters from the "Akhmat-Chechnya" unit during an 'unequal combat situation.'

Three riflemen and two communicators were among the captured. Alaudinov addressed Ukrainians, saying, "Tell tales about mass surrenders to your grandmothers on the farm."

Some reports had claimed to have captured fighters from the Akhmat special forces, including a fighter with the call sign Haid. Alaudinov had previously stated that no "Akhmat fighters" had been captured. However, on August 13, he clarified that the prisoners the enemy referred to were from the "Akhmat-Chechnya" unit.

Alaudinov emphasized, "A Chechen who is captured is no longer a Kadyrovite; there is nothing more shameful for a Chechen than to be captured." He reiterated that these were fighters from the "Akhmat-Chechnya" special unit and that the Akhmat special unit remains intact. "Not a single one of my fighters has been taken prisoner, especially Aida's unit. All of them are known by name—then show them to us," Alaudinov urged.

He further mentioned that Aida's fighters are currently engaged in destroying the enemy, promising that updated statistics on enemy losses would be available by evening.

Read also: Akhmat Special Forces in Kursk: Disputed Effectiveness Amid Controversy

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