Dagestan Leader Urges Residents to Donate One Day's Wages to Support Kursk Region

| News, Politics, North Caucasus

On August 13, Sergey Melikov, the head of Dagestan, urged the federal republic's residents to donate one day's earnings to support the people of the Kursk region. 

Melikov emphasized that Dagestanis have always been characterized by responsiveness, kindness, and readiness to give the last to those in need. He noted that during both the COVID-19 pandemic and the start of the Special Military Operation (SWO), Dagestanis repeatedly demonstrated their willingness to help. "Today, the events in the Kursk region have echoed with pain in the hearts of Dagestanis. We are worried about our friends, pray for their well-being, and seek any opportunity to help," Melikov stated.

Melikov expressed his belief that no Dagestani is indifferent to the situation in the Kursk region, adding, "We are all with them in our thoughts and feelings these days." He acknowledged that many Dagestanis want to help but may not know how, and therefore, he suggested that everyone transfer their one-day earnings to the "All Together" fund. "We will direct these funds to our friends who have become victims of the inhuman crimes of our enemies," Melikov urged.

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