EU Diplomacy Chief Stresses Robust Support for Armenia

| News, Politics, Armenia

Before the meeting with Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan within the framework of the EU Council of Foreign Ministers, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the EU Commission Josep Borrell emphasized the need for the EU’s robust support in light of the situation in Armenia.

"[Now] I am going to have first a meeting with the Armenian Foreign Minister [Ararat Mirzoyan] because you know that after we have the Eastern Partnership meeting at the Ministerial level. So many things are happening in the whole region, it is important to continue to pay attention to them and, in particular, to Armenia, which has been in a very difficult situation and still is. So, I will start my day with the Armenian Foreign Minister,” Borrell told reporters ahead of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels.

During a Q&A session with reporters, Josep Borrell addressed the Eastern Partnership meeting. Borrell expressed concern about upcoming elections in Belarus and highlighted the complex situation in the Eastern Partnership region, including Ukraine and the Caucasus, and the positive development of Georgia's advancing towards EU membership. He emphasized the need for strong EU support for Armenia, given the current situation. Borrell underscored the importance of keeping the Eastern Partnership on the agenda, considering it as the EU's Eastern border with numerous growing hotspots.

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