Georgia's Foreign Trade Sees Steady Growth, New Insights Shared

| News, Economy, Georgia

On January 20, the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat) published preliminary data showing an 8.0% increase in Georgia's foreign trade in 2024 compared to 2023, totaling $23.43 billion.

During 2024, Georgia's exports rose by 7.8% to $6.56 billion, while imports increased by 8.1% to $16.87 billion, resulting in a negative trade balance of $10.31 billion, constituting 44% of the external trade turnover. The top ten trading partners by imports accounted for 69.9% of total imports, with Turkey ($2.77 billion), the US ($2.04 billion), and Russia ($1.84 billion) as the leading partners.

The top ten trading partners by exports contributed 81.5% to the total exports, with Kyrgyzstan ($1.28 billion), Kazakhstan ($860 million), and Azerbaijan ($720 million) topping the list. Motor cars were the leading export item, valued at $2.43 billion and accounting for 37% of total exports, followed by ferroalloys at $320 million (4.9%) and spirituous beverages at $290 million (4.4%).

Regarding imports, motor cars ranked first with $3.46 billion (20.5% of total imports), followed by petroleum and petroleum oils at $1.30 billion (7.7%) and medicaments at $620 million (3.7%).

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