Russian MFA Criticizes 'Western Double Standards' on Protests in Armenia and Georgia

| News, Politics, Georgia

During a briefing for journalists on May 15, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova highlighted the contrasting reactions of the United States and the European Union to the ongoing protests in Armenia and Georgia. 

While officials from these Western powers consistently criticize the Georgian authorities regarding their treatment of protesters, they maintain silence on the situation in Armenia. Zakharova criticized this disparity, labeling it as a clear example of “double standards” in Western policy. She emphasized that the domestic political affairs of a sovereign state should be treated as internal matters, yet the Western response remains consistently biased.

The diplomat pointed out the mass detentions and use of force against protesters in Armenia, highlighting the Western silence on these developments. According to Zakharova, the West appears to have disregarded the events unfolding in Armenia, focusing solely on the protests in Georgia and portraying the demonstrators in Tbilisi as heroes.

Furthermore, the Russian Foreign Ministry noted the promotion of the Georgian protests by the EU and the US media, contrasting it with the Western mainstream's lack of coverage or distortion of events in Armenia. This, Zakharova argued, reflects a biased narrative that fails to acknowledge the will of the Armenian people and instead attributes the protests to external influence.

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