Valentina Matvienko Signals Kremlin's Readiness for Talks with Georgia

| News, Politics, Georgia

At a press conference on August 1, Valentina Matvienko, the speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, said that the Kremlin is ready for dialogue with Georgia. 
"Unfortunately, there have been no contacts so far, understandably not through our fault. There are difficult political processes in Georgia, many things are being reconsidered," she said. She also mentioned Georgia's parliamentary elections in October, which she said "will determine the course of the country's economic, social and political development."

Matviyenko stressed, "If there is a desire for dialogue on the part of Georgia, we are ready even now, even though we do not have diplomatic relations." She emphasized the role of the respective parliaments, saying, "This is the mission of the parliamentarians, that's why they are elected by their people, to conduct parliamentary diplomacy, to rebuild bridges, to rebuild friendship."

She went on to say, "Just as we have always strived to develop and maintain friendly, cultural and humanitarian relations with the Georgian people, we will continue to do so. You know how many tourists from Russia travel to Georgia and how much they respect the culture of the Georgian people, the cuisine of the Georgian people, its historical and architectural monuments. That is why Georgian people are close to us, friendly to us. Well, let's see how the election campaign will end. External pressure on Georgia, and we see this, is obviously very powerful, using known scenarios and tools. Well, the decision will be made by the Georgian people".

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