World Bank Invests $150M in Azerbaijan for Jobs and Economic Growth

| News, Economy, Azerbaijan

On February 3, the World Bank (WB) and the Government of Azerbaijan announced plans to sign an agreement in the coming days for additional funding for the Azerbaijan Employment Support Project (AESP).

The WB approved $150 million in additional financing in July 2024 to expand the program. The funding will support Azerbaijan’s Self-Employment Program (SEP) by broadening its scope to include manufacturing and services, promoting economic diversification and resilience. It will also introduce a cash-based grants scheme to help beneficiaries expand their businesses.

The additional financing will enhance the capacity of the Azerbaijan Public Employment Agency to extend its services and programs for job seekers. This includes active labor market measures such as on-the-job training, wage subsidies, apprenticeships, vocational training development, and certification fee reimbursements for selected occupations. These initiatives aim to improve employment opportunities in the manufacturing and services sectors, particularly for women and vulnerable populations.

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