Russian deputy threatens Azerbaijan with nuclear weapon

| News, Azerbaijan

Relations between Azerbaijan and Russia have recently intensified in the wake of Russia's war in Ukraine and recent events in Nagorno-Karabakh. This phase of aggravation is reflected in the media of both sides. Azerbaijan's public television Ictimai TV is trying to spread Ukraine's success by sharing pro-Ukrainian stories every day. At the same time, the presidents of Azerbaijan and Ukraine are frequently speaking on phone.

Russian journalist Igor Dimitriev, who owns a popular Russian telegram channel, has threatened Azerbaijan with a nuclear weapon.

"Judging by the latest data on the offensive of Azerbaijani troops in Nagorno-Karabakh, Baku also considered that this is a time of new opportunities. Russian troops, with all their desire, will not be able to simultaneously conduct two conflicts in different regions - even if the mobilisation of reservists and mass conscription begin,” Igor Dimitriev notes.

“Objectively speaking, such a move would be beneficial for Moscow not only from the point of view of a show of force, but also from the point of view of the economy. Azerbaijan is one of the leading energy suppliers to Europe. Its physical removal will put the EU in front of an extremely difficult choice - either make a deal with Moscow or fall into the abyss ... also with Moscow. So, perhaps, waking up one day, you may be surprised to find out that Azerbaijan has become the first victim of atomic weapons in the 21st century," he wrote.

At the same time, Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma's Committee on Economic Policy, MP Mikhail Delyagin, threatened Azerbaijan on the state channel Rossiya1. Delyagin said:

“The Azerbaijanis really violated the agreement. Our people said that they withdrew after the talks. They officially stated that they did not leave the occupied territories. This aggression of America's partners, in this case Turkey and Turkey's puppets, which we call the state, is a real threat today… Why do we need Azerbaijan's oil industry?! A simple question. We do not need him. He is defenceless. If these people do not understand in words, then they will have to understand in deeds. If we don't, there will be nothing left for us to do.”

On his telegram channel “DELYAGIN's special” the politician published a poll which asks “do you consider it justified to use tactical nuclear weapons to eliminate the oil industry of Azerbaijan in connection with its aggression caused by the belief in the impotence of Russia, whose military resources are diverted to Ukraine?”

A few hours later, the Delyagin released a video apologising to the Azerbaijani people. Russia's governmental officials condemned Delyagin’s threats against Azerbaijan. 

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