Pro-Russian Alt-Info threatens civil activist in Georgia

| News, Georgia

Vakhtang Gomelauri, Georgia's Interior Minister, was questioned in Parliament on how he plans to safeguard activists who have been openly threatened by members of the pro-Russian group Alt-Info and the Conservative Movement.

The target of Alt-Info's threats is activist Samira Bayramova, who resides in Marneuli, a city in the Kvemo Kartli area dominated by ethnic Azerbaijanis.

Samira Bayramova, in protest of the Conservative Movement's installation of an office at the Alt-Info base in Marneuli, painted the office wall in the colours of the Ukrainian and European Union flags.

Following this, members of the organisation began to threaten Samira Bayramova. Fans of Alt-Info produced a video on social media pleading with Bayramova to restore the office's front to its previous state, which she was given two days to do.

"We went out to Marneuli to warn, and we want to send these words to our Muslim brothers, so that they make it apparent to this woman (Samira Bayramova) that she can cause a religious and national division, which is exactly what the National Movement (opposition party) wants," the video states.

The Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA), which protects Bayramova's rights, called on Georgian authorities to take immediate action to ensure her safety and to investigate all threats.

In response to the threats made against her, Samira Bayramova filed a complaint with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Under Article 151 of the Criminal Code, an inquiry has been begun (threats of death, bodily harm, or destruction of property).

The Tolerance and Diversity Institute (TDI) has requested that Samira Bayramova be protected.

According to the organisation's statement, Alt-Info, which is registered as a political party, is a tool of Russian aggressive propaganda in Georgia, opposees democratic values and human rights, as well as Georgia's sovereignty and Euro-Atlantic integration.

Samira Bayramova has already been questioned by the Marneuli police. Bayramova addressed the issue on her Facebook page.

Earlier, the Georgian right-wing media outlet Alt-political Info's party Conservative Movement was formally registered by the National Agency of Public Registry.

The media outlet's founders were unable to register their newly formed political party in November owing to errors made when filling out the registration form and were given 10 days to rectify the situation.

The Conservative Movement, which was founded on November 20, declares its willingness to engage in "partnership relations with Russia."

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