Five Opposition MPs Issued a Statement Denouncing Attacks on the US Ambassador to Georgia by the Georgian Dream

| News, Georgia

On August 1, five female opposition MPs, Teona Akubardia from the "Strategy Aghmashenebeli" party, Khatuna Samnidze from the Republican Party of Georgia, Tamar Kordzaia, an independent politician, Ana Natsvlishvili from "Lelo for Georgia", and Ana Buchukuri from "For Georgia", issued a joint statement denouncing attacks on Kelly Degnan, the US Ambassador to Georgia, by members of the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party and recent defections from that party, as well as the openly misleading narrative that the US is attempting to draw Georgia into the Ruso-Ukranian war.

They stressed that the campaign that their colleagues [GD party members] are waging threatens Georgia's interests in national security, and thus they would like to remind them and Georgia's society once more that the war [Russo-Ukrainian war] is a continuation of Russian politics through a variety of techniques. The members of parliament remarked that the Kremlin supports the deceptive comments because it seeks to reassert control and influence over Georgia and to conduct domestic and foreign policy in accordance with the Russian agenda.

Earlier, on July 20, Caucasus Watch reported that Ned Price, the spokesman for the U.S. State Department, stated during a briefing that disinformation and personal attacks against U.S. Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan or her team are inconsistent with how partners communicate with one another, and the parties will continue to focus on achieving the shared objectives.

Read also:

The US Ambassador to Georgia Responds to Claims of American Interference

U.S. Ambassador on Violence Against the Media in Georgia

Tensions Between the Georgian Dream and the US Ambassador

See Also

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