US Ambassador to Georgia on the Georgia-Ukraine Relations, Media Freedom, Mikheil Saakashvili and EU’s Recommendations

| News, Georgia

The US Ambassador to Georgia, Kelly Degnan, reaffirmed the position of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Russia must be held accountable and adhere to its obligations under the 2008 ceasefire agreement. The Ambassador highlighted that international solidarity and Georgian unity are the most effective responses to Russia's actions. Cooperation in establishing strong democratic institutions and unification behind the establishment of an open and free society is Georgia's strongest defence against Russian aggression.

The Ambassador emphasised that the Embassy places a high value on media freedom and rights because they are crucial to the public. "By doing so, citizens can hold their government accountable and obtain accurate information. They must be allowed to perform their duties without fear of intimidation, violence, or harassment. It is the responsibility of all governments to ensure that journalists can perform their duties freely and safely. I believe we should continue to emphasise and remind people of this, "she persisted.

Additionally, she stated that the Embassy routinely gets informed about Mikheil Saakashvili's condition. "We want to make sure he is getting the essential medical attention he needs and that his human and constitutional rights are being upheld, as well as that he is treated with respect," she highlighted.

When asked about Georgia's stance on the conflict in Ukraine, Degnan responded, "Georgia and Ukraine are partners. They should be resolving any problems they have quietly and not via the media. We are aware that the Kremlin is attempting to split Georgia from Ukraine and perplex Georgians and Ukrainians. Therefore, confrontations like this only aid the Kremlin's nefarious activities." In a follow-up, the Ambassador praised both the humanitarian aid that the people of Georgia had donated to Ukraine and the government's assistance measures through international fora, monetary sanctions, and export restrictions.

Regarding rumours circulating in Georgia and fueled by the ruling party Georgian Dream that the United States is attempting to drag Georgia into the war, Degnan reiterated in Georgian, "The United States is not trying to drag Georgia into the war." "We do not want war. We desire peace." Kelly Degnan emphasised, "Anyone who is genuinely interested in my remarks and responses can see that I have answered these questions numerous times, now in Georgian as well as English." "Those who continue to ask the same questions are either uninterested in what I have to say or have their own reasons for repeating what has been identified as disinformation and false information."

When asked about the 12 recommendations made by the European Commission for Georgia to become an EU candidate, she responded, "This is a great chance for Georgia to undertake some urgently needed modernization initiatives." "This is not a criticism, but it must be done in a way that demonstrates Georgia's leaders comprehend the European Union's desire to see Georgia act jointly on an issue so important to its future."

Read also:

Five Opposition MPs Issued a Statement Denouncing Attacks on the US Ambassador to Georgia by the Georgian Dream

U.S. State Department Supports U.S. Ambassador to Georgia Amid Disinformation Attacks

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