Azerbaijan Receives First Shipment of Slovakia's Modernized L-45 Howitzers

| News, Security, Azerbaijan

On September 9, Czech Republic delivered the first batch of L-45 DITA 155 mm self-propelled howitzers to Azerbaijan. 

Azerbaijan received the latest modernized version of the howitzers, mounted on a TATRA T815 8×8 platform. 

Notably, the L-45 DITA howitzers are equipped with an automatic fire control system and require only a driver and a commander to operate. This model offers greater firepower and maneuverability compared to previous versions. 

It was reported that Azerbaijan had recently placed an order for 70 units of the DITA L-45. These howitzers are based on the DANA SAU, a model produced in Czechoslovakia during the Soviet era. Slovakia has since modernized the DANA, resulting in the L-45 DITA howitzers equipped with a NATO-caliber gun.

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