Georgia Passes Bills Banning LGBT Content and Gender Reassignment

| News, Politics, Georgia

On June 27, the Georgian Parliament approved in first reading a package of bills banning "LGBT propaganda and gender reassignment."

Seventy-eight deputies voted in favor of adoption. The amendments also included a ban on the registration of marriages other than between a man and a woman and the adoption of minors by gay couples.

In addition, the legislation introduced a ban on sex reassignment surgery, with a criminal penalty of 1 to 4 years in prison.
Individuals would be fined for "LGBT propaganda" in educational institutions, and broadcasters would be banned from airing intimate same-sex scenes or advertising such content.

Giorgi Tabagari, founder of Tbilisi Pride, said the bills would make life "unbearable" for LGBT Georgians, according to Reuters. He said: "The future for queer people in Georgia looks rather gloomy if the anti-LGBT bills are adopted."

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