Georgian President Urges Restoration of Ukraine's Territorial Integrity at Crimea Platform Summit

| News, Politics, Georgia

During her video address to the fourth Crimea Platform Summit on September 11, Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili reiterated the Georgian people's support for Ukraine. 

"Is it a coincidence that this gathering takes place on September 11? That 23 years ago, terror struck in the heart of freedom and democracy, killing and injuring thousands of innocent civilians, and that today terror strikes again but in the heart of Europe – in Lviv or Poltava? Reminding us that we cannot accept [this], that fighting for freedom, human values, human dignity, sovereignty, independence, and democracy suffers no compromise," she said.

She further emphasized that Ukraine had succeeded in shattering the myth of Russia’s invincibility. Zourabichvili highlighted the importance of restoring Ukraine's full territorial integrity as a crucial step in ensuring peace and stability, stating, "Russia needs to learn to respect borders – not just in Ukraine but also in Georgia, Moldova, and the rest of Europe." 

In her address, she also underscored the strategic importance of the Black Sea, describing it as "a vital link in the security chain of Europe and beyond," and asserted that its stability is closely tied to the security of the entire continent. Zourabichvili added, "That is why Russia’s expansionism in the Black Sea – from the occupation of Abkhazia to the annexation of Crimea or the recent steps to open a military naval base in occupied Abkhazia – cannot be tolerated."

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