Kabardino-Balkaria Proposes School Uniform-Like Clothing for Girls with Headscarves

| News, Society, North Caucasus

On July 30, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims (DUM) of Kabardino-Balkaria proposed that girls wear clothing similar to school uniforms while keeping their headscarves on. 

Alim Sizhazhev, Deputy Chairman of the DUM of Kabardino-Balkaria, presented sketches in line with educational institutions' statutes: white shirts and black skirts reaching the ankles. The headscarf should cover the neck, with the edges wrapped under the clothes.

Regarding the niqab, the DUM of Kabardino-Balkaria aligned with the position of the Coordination Center of Muslims of the North Caucasus, stating that while the niqab is not obligatory, its wearing is not prohibited. Imam Murat Ulbashev, in a mosque in Nalchik, recommended refraining from wearing niqabs in educational institutions, as it is not a mandatory requirement of Islam. He stated, "Outside an educational institution—please. But when going in there, the request is that sisters should not wear niqab."

See Also

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