Kaladze Defends Foreign Agents Law, Accuses Opposition of Pushing Foreign Narrative

| News, Politics, Georgia

On March 24, Kakha Kaladze, the General Secretary of Georgian Dream, claimed that efforts to portray the US Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) as a Russian law were being driven by external forces.

"This is not a message from the opposition—this is an assignment from outside. In particular, FARA should now be presented as a Russian law. Of course, this is a message from outside," Kaladze emphasized. He asserted that the opposition’s attempt to label the law as Russian would be unsuccessful.

Kaladze stated that the decision was made to replicate a law that has been in force in the US for many years. He stressed the importance of transparency, noting that various organizations had been funded in a completely non-transparent manner. "The coup attempt was financed from outside, the polarization was financed and continues to be financed from outside, and the confrontation within society was also financed from outside. We must put an end to this, and society must have answers. Everything must be absolutely transparent," Kaladze stated.

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