Pashinyan Welcomes EU, World Bank, IFC Officials to Boost Economic Reforms

| News, Economy, Armenia

On May 16, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held meetings with two delegations. 

Meeting with European Commissioner for Trade

Firstly, he received the European Commissioner for Trade and Vice President of the European Commission, Valdis Dombrovskis. During the meeting, Prime Minister Pashinyan expressed his appreciation for Dombrovskis's visit to Armenia and underscored the positive trajectory of Armenia-EU cooperation. He highlighted the significance of the recent Armenia-EU-US high-level meeting in Brussels on April 5, emphasizing the effective implementation of the agreements reached. Prime Minister Pashinyan also informed Dombrovskis about the Armenian government's acceptance of a program providing state support for housing access for individuals displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh, stressing the importance of EU assistance in its execution.

Dombrovskis, in turn, assured Prime Minister Pashinyan of the EU's commitment to contributing to Armenia's economic development, particularly in areas such as energy, infrastructure, market diversification, standards implementation, and business environment enhancement. He mentioned ongoing efforts to develop economic and investment programs in collaboration with Armenian partners.

Additionally, discussions during the meeting encompassed the border demarcation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the "Crossroads of Peace" project initiated by the Armenian government to unblock regional transport infrastructures. The principles of this project agreed upon during a tripartite meeting in Brussels on July 15, 2023, were also deliberated.

Furthermore, the meeting addressed regional security and stability, specifically emphasizing the activity of the EU civilian mission in Armenia.

Meeting with World Bank's Senior Managing Director and International Finance Corporation (IFC) Regional Vice President

Later on the same day, Prime Minister Pashinyan welcomed World Bank's Senior Managing Director Axel van Trotsenburg and International Finance Corporation (IFC) Regional Vice President Alfonso Garcia Mora. During this meeting, Prime Minister Pashinyan highlighted the productive cooperation between the Armenian government and the World Bank, emphasizing their joint efforts in promoting reforms across various sectors such as the economy, infrastructure, and education.

The discussion also delved into ongoing joint projects between Armenia and the World Bank, exploring possibilities for diversifying Armenia's economy and reviewing the steps taken in that direction.

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