Patrushev Accuses US of Orchestrating 2008 Russia-Georgia War

| News, Politics, Georgia, Tskhinvali

On August 15, Nikolai Patrushev, the Chairman of the Maritime Collegium of the Russian Federation and aide to President Putin, accused the United States of 'organizing' the 2008 Russia-Georgia war, which he described as 'Saakashvili’s military adventurism.' 

He stated that lies and provocations are the habitual companions of Washington's and other Western countries' policies and emphasized that it was the Americans who organized Saakashvili’s military adventure in August 2008, although they claimed that they had nothing to do with it. Patrushev further argued, "Direct US intervention in Georgia’s affairs led to the secession of Abkhazia and South Ossetia," expressing his belief that the Georgian people know that they are paying for the actions of the Americans with their suffering.

In the article, Patrushev also discussed Russia’s maritime ambitions, stating that the role of the power factor is not diminishing in international relations. He noted that NATO continues to build up its naval presence in geopolitically significant areas of the world’s oceans, including in the oceans and seas adjacent to the territory of the Russian Federation. He accused the West of actively pursuing a strategy of restraining Russia in the Black Sea, alleging that NATO is preparing to increase its presence there in violation of the Montreux Convention. Patrushev claimed that the United States and its allies are ignoring or attempting to revise other international agreements in their efforts to expand their influence in the oceans.

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