Right-wing Alt-Info officially registered as political party

| News, Georgia

The Georgian right-wing media outlet Alt-political Info's party Conservative Movement was formally registered by the National Agency of Public Registry.

The media outlet's founders were unable to register their newly formed political party in November owing to errors made when filling out the registration form and were given 10 days to rectify the situation.

The Conservative Movement, which was founded on November 20, declares its willingness to engage in "partnership relations with Russia."

Zurab Makharadze, the chairman of the Conservative Movement, is an anchor of the ultra-nationalist media outlet Alt-Info, while Giorgi Kardava is the party's secretary general. Other Alt-Info members Koka Morgoshia and Irakli Martinenko are among the movement's leaders.

Earlier this year, Alt-Info publicly advocated and supported violence against the Tbilisi Pride march, and the media outlet's owners took part in the Tbilisi Pride counter-rally on July 5, which wounded more than 50 journalists.

Police searched the residences of Alt-founder Info's and members later in July, but no charges were made against them.

In April of this year, the Georgian National Communications Commission (GNCC) fined Alt-Info about €714 for obscenity and the distribution of inappropriate material to minors, and 50 Facebook accounts, 49 Facebook pages, and 15 Instagram accounts were banned from social media related to Alt-Info in 2020.

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