Russia Warns of Revolutionary Scenario in Georgia

| News, Politics, Georgia

On July 9, the press office of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation released a statement alleging a determined effort by Washington to orchestrate a change of government in Georgia in the upcoming parliamentary elections scheduled for October 26 this year. The statement accuses the Biden administration of orchestrating a "comprehensive information campaign" aimed at discrediting the ruling party in Georgia.

According to the Russian intelligence statement, this campaign is allegedly being created "in the best Hollywood tradition," with its narrative foundation built on a typical anti-Russian sentiment attributed to the White House. The alleged propaganda effort is said to focus on a "sensational expose" that blames Russia for all of Georgia's problems.

Georgian President S. Zourabichvili was supposed to play a key role in stirring up anti-government sentiments. As planned by the "Washington directors", the head of state will give an interview to one of the American media, in which he will blame the Georgian government for the "degradation" of the negotiation process on Tbilisi's accession to the EU, and warn the "general public" about the "catastrophic consequences of rapprochement with Moscow" and the damage caused to Georgia by migrants from Russia. At the same time, Washington, through Zourabichvili, intends to prepare voters for "some kind of political surprise to the 'Georgian Dream' from the opposition," which could ultimately turn out to be another "color revolution."

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