US Ambassador-designate to Georgia speaks about her policy priorities for the upcoming mandate

| News, Georgia

On 29 October, Kelly Degnan, US Ambassador-designate to Georgia, spoke during her nomination hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about her main policy priorities for the role, reported The priorities could be summed up in three main areas, namely: 1) military and security issues; 2) commitment to the rule of law and democracy; and 3) Russian occupation.

As for the military and security issues, Degnan said that she “was always impressed by Georgia’s commitment to make reforms that were necessary for strengthening its military,” adding that Georgia’s commitment is evident as the country has “deployed one of the largest contingents of forces, fighting with no caveats and at the cost of 32 Georgian lives and 290 wounded” in Afghanistan. Degnan stressed that as the foreign policy adviser of US Naval Forces Europe, she has seen “Georgia’s value as a capable, dedicated partner supporting U.S. and NATO presence in the Black Sea”. “Our outstanding security cooperation underscores the fact that Georgia is a key partner in a geo-strategic region, a vital interest to the United States”, she added. She also stressed that the US would continue to assist Georgia on its NATO path, since the Allies stand behind their 2008 pledge to offer Georgia eventual membership, “but it is upon Georgia also to meet those very high standards, political-military requirements that are essential to NATO’s strength.”

As for the development of democracy and the rule of law in Georgia, Degnan stated that despite the progress Georgia made, “there is still much work to hold and build on those achievements.” She underscored the need of “promoting pluralistic legislature, independent judiciary, a diverse media and a vibrant civil society” in Georgia. “A continued commitment to the principles of democracy and the rule of law is absolutely fundamental to Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration,” she added. Speaking of upcoming 2020 Parliamentary elections in Georgia, Degnan stressed that she will make it a priority to work with all relevant stakeholders in Georgia “to ensure next year’s elections are free and fair.”

On the issue of the Russian occupation of the Georgian territories of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali (South Ossetia), Degnan said that the US “will continue to be a vocal advocate of Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.” She also condemned the ongoing occupations of the Georgian regions by Russian forces and Russia’s attempts at borderization of the dividing line, stressing that “the solution to this conflict which is a result of Russian aggression is for Russia to fulfil its obligations under the 2008 Ceasefire Agreement, including withdrawing its forces to pre-conflict positions, allowing humanitarian access and reversing its recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.”

Degnan pledged to sustain US efforts “to help the Georgian government and people, build a resilient, prosperous society that values its rich and diverse heritage and can withstand the pressures of Russian malign activities and growing Chinese influence.”

Responding to the question on how to make U.S. support towards Georgia against Russian invasion clearer, Degnan said “we have demonstrated the importance of continued vocal advocacy for Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and strong commitment to support Georgia as it makes reforms necessary to strengthen institutions to follow on the path it has chosen – to integrate into European Union and the West.”

Degnan was nominated for the position of US Ambassador to Georgia on 4 September by the US President Donald Trump. The spot of the US ambassador to Georgia had been vacant since March 2018 (Caucasus Watch reported). 

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