Weekly Brief on Military Situation in South Caucasus Countries (September 2-8)

| News, Security, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia


Papikyan and Georgian Defense Minister Discuss Enhancing Military Education and Defense Cooperation

On September 2, during an official visit to Georgia, the Armenian Defense Ministry reported that a welcoming ceremony was held for the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Armenia, Suren Papikyan, at the Ministry of Defence of Georgia. The ceremony featured a guard of honor and a military band. Following the ceremony, a private meeting between the Armenian Defence Minister and his Georgian counterpart took place, which later expanded to include delegations from both sides.

During the discussions, the ministers emphasized the importance of activating and enhancing cooperation in military education and stressed the need to establish long-term and stable peace in the region. They also agreed to explore the possibility of further expanding bilateral defense cooperation, with plans for mutual visits by different groups to assess new areas of collaboration. Additionally, a number of issues related to Armenia-Georgia defense cooperation and regional security were discussed.

As part of his visit, Suren Papikyan also met with Georgia's Prime Minister, Irakli Kobakhidze. Ashot Smbatyan, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Georgia, attended the meeting. Both sides highlighted the strategic relations between Armenia and Georgia, emphasizing the importance of regular high-level contacts between their delegations. 

The Prime Minister of Georgia welcomed strengthening defense cooperation between the two countries and expressed his full support for this ongoing process. In response, Suren Papikyan conveyed the greetings of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, and underscored the importance of deepening defense cooperation. Both Kobakhidze and Papikyan reiterated the significance of establishing long-term and stable peace in the region, with the Georgian side expressing its continued support for efforts toward regional peace.

Investigation Launched into Death of Soldier Edgar Sargisi Alexanyan Found in Defense Army Unit

On September 2, at approximately 10:10 [local time], the body of soldier Edgar Sargisi Alexanyan was found with a gunshot wound in the defense unit of the Defense Army. An investigation is currently underway to determine the full circumstances surrounding the case. The Ministry of Defense extended its condolences and support to the serviceman's family members, relatives, and friends.

Border breaches

On September 4, the Ministry of Defence of Azerbaijan claimed that at approximately 7:35 p.m., units of the Armenian Armed Forces fired on Azerbaijani combat positions in the southwestern part of the border. However, the Armenian side reported that this statement does not correspond to reality. 

On 5 September, the Armenian side refuted the Azerbaijani Defence Ministry's claim that at about 09:55, units of the Armenian armed forces fired on Azerbaijani combat positions in the eastern part of the border. 


Azerbaijan and Italy Strengthen Military Ties: Defense Ministers Discuss Ongoing and Future Cooperation

On September 2, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, met with Mr. Luca Di Gianfrancesco, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy to Azerbaijan. During the meeting, Hasanov highlighted the special nature of bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Italy in the military field, noting that this cooperation would contribute to developing both countries' armed forces. It was also emphasized that some of the 31 military events planned between Azerbaijan and Italy for 2024-2025 had already been implemented.

Ambassador Gianfrancesco expressed his satisfaction with the current state of military cooperation and underscored the importance of mutual visits by representatives from both nations. The meeting, which included the presence of First Grade Captain Gianfranco Vizzini, the military attaché of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Italy to Azerbaijan, also covered prospects for further development of military cooperation and an exchange of views on regional security and other shared interests.

Uzbek Defense Delegation Visits Azerbaijan: Focus on Engineering Troop Cooperation and Experience Exchange

On September 5, a delegation from the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited Azerbaijan. During their visit, the Uzbek guests toured the Ministry of Defense's main department of engineering troops. Major General Anar Karimov welcomed the delegation and provided information on the engineering support measures undertaken in the deoccupied territories by the Engineer-sapper units of the Azerbaijan Army. 

The importance of such visits for experience exchange was emphasized. The meeting included a detailed exchange of views on various mutual interests and a briefing. Following the briefing, the guests observed practical exercises conducted by servicemen in a specially designed engineering camp.

See Also

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