Azerbaijan to chair the Non-Aligned Movement

On 25-26 October, relevant heads of state attended the 18th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Baku. The chairmanship over the NAM for the 2019-2022 period was passed from Venezuela to Azerbaijan.
Speaking in front of the audience, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev outlined his country’s priorities during its term as president of the NAM. “Azerbaijan will build its priorities and activities on the historical Bandung Principles, which include the principles of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, non-interference in the internal affairs of states, the protection of mutual interests and promoting cooperation. We must intensify our efforts to comply with the norms and principles of international law. In this regard, there is a great need for reform in the activity of the UN. Change of borders by force, violation of territorial integrity of countries by using force, interference in internal affairs is inadmissible,” he said.
At the Summit, other statesmen shared their ideas over the future direction of the international forum. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called the members of the NAM to “prevent the US hegemony”. “Today the US uses different economic methods to achieve political aims. These measures, conducted in very boastful form, are equal to economic terrorism. And some of the Non-Aligned Movement members have been deprived of their access to international financial instruments. We can make joint efforts against negative situations. These are the issues that restrict our trade cooperation. We can propose alternatives and different initiatives, especially regarding the bank system. It is also possible to come up with cryptocurrency initiatives in this regard,” he outlined. Rouhani also said that peace in Persian Gulf countries can only be achieved if there is a free movement of ships. Rouhani was joined by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who called on Member States to stop the “imperialist approaches” in the world.
Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo emphasized the need of the NAM to increase its efforts in protecting human rights and freedoms and preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Indian Vice President Muppavarapu Venkaiah Naidu highlighted the combatement against all forms of terrorism as the NAM’s main priority. “The Non-Aligned Movement has to fight the spread of violent extremism,” he said.
NAM’s activities were also praised by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. He said that two-thirds of NAM members are members of the UN, and 80% of UN peacekeepers are formed by these countries. He also noted that Non-Aligned Movement member countries play an active role in issues such as sustainable development for peacemaking, disarmament and other UN policy areas. Guterre also expressed his concerns over the current global environment. He said that, in this condition, the rise of nationalism and populism are felt in the countries and that new threats are emerging. “Although efforts are [being] made to prevent conflicts, this problem still disturbs the world. A sceptical approach to multilateralism is prevailing, and isolation tendencies emerge at the moment,” he outlined.
Four documents were adopted at the end of the conference, namely the Baku Final Act, the Baku Political Declaration, the Palestinian Declaration and the document of gratitude and solidarity to the government and people of Azerbaijan. Participants of the 18th Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement member countries have voiced support for Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.
The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was established in 1961 in Belgrade as a third path during the ideological confrontation of the Cold War. It is the biggest forum for political coordination and consultation after and within the United Nations, composed by 120 Member States from the developing world. There are also 17 countries and 10 International Organizations that hold an Observer status. It works from a unique, non-hierarchical, rotating and participatory standpoint, with the intention of enabling every single Member State, without differentiation or discrimination of any kind, to involve itself in the decision making of global and political processes. The NAM takes its decisions by consensus, which enhances the unity and solidarity among the Member States of the Movement.
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