ORSIS removed from Armenia’s blacklisted companies

| News, Armenia

On 10 December, Yerevan court of general jurisdiction decided to remove the Russian weapon supplier ORSIS from the blacklisted companies in the countries, reported aysor.am.

“The Yerevan court of general jurisdiction satisfied our motion and suspended the effect of the decision of the Finance Ministry, according to which, ORSIS is to appear in the “blacklist” and have no right to participate in state purchases,” lawyer Alexander Sirunyan said. He added that such disputes were examined in the court for about 2-3 years and even if he did not undertake any actions the company would have been withdrawn from the list in July 2021.

“The absurd is that we are placing the only source of weapon[s] [on] the blacklist,” he said. Sirunyan said that ORSIS… has the right to participate in the tenders and supply weapons to Armenia’s force structures. 

In May, the Armenian Ministry of Defence announced a tender for the supply of military equipment in the amount of several million dollars and only the Russian ORSIS could satisfy the qualification requirements. On 26 August, a criminal case based “on negligent attitude to service” was opened in Armenia because of a disruption of the tender for the supply of weapons in which ORSIS participated (Caucasus watch reported). 

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