Ararat Mirzoyan Meets with EU Chief Diplomat Josep Borrell

| News, Politics, Armenia, Azerbaijan

During the OSCE Ministerial meeting on December 1, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan met with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.

The sides commended the development dynamics of the Armenia-EU partnership and exchanged views on the expansion of the bilateral agenda, the Foreign Ministry press service informed.

Minister Mirzoyan emphasized the commitment of the Armenian side to establish peace in the region and highly appreciated the EU's support in this regard. Mirzoyan also underlined that Azerbaijan's non-constructive position and maximalist aspirations hinder the efforts towards achieving peace and contribute to increasing the chances of escalation. The need to eliminate the consequences of Azerbaijani aggressions toward the Armenian sovereign territory was stressed.

The sides highlighted the importance of deploying the EU Monitoring Mission in Armenia and discussed issues concerning its activity.

In his earlier remarks at the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting, Mirzoyan highlighted that Armenia remains ready to reopen regional transit routes and take steps towards Armenia-Azerbaijan border delimitation "despite the frequent provocations from the Azerbaijani side."

“Armenia is ready to proceed with unblocking communications once Azerbaijan agrees that all roads should operate in full respect of our sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national legislation. The border delimitation process should not turn into an exercise of putting forward territorial claims against Armenia and thus should be carried out based on maps holding legal bases. We believe that the issue of the rights and security of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh should also be comprehensively addressed”, he added.

Earlier, the EU chief diplomat delivered remarks about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution.

“I think that it is a historic opportunity to achieve sustainable peace to this conflict in the South Caucasus. We have strongly encouraged Armenia and Azerbaijan to seize this opportunity. We are ready to deploy a mission that could help to bring calm, cease-fire, and talks between the parties," Borrell said


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