Armenia and China Boost Military Cooperation, Explore New Areas

| News, Security, Armenia

The Armenian Defense Ministry announced that military cooperation between Armenia and China has significantly advanced in recent years, with new areas of collaboration being explored.

"The sides emphasized that [Chinese-Armenian] military cooperation has progressed significantly in recent years, encompassing new directions. The ministers expressed readiness to further develop Armenia-China cooperation, including high-level contacts between the two countries' armed forces,” the Armenian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Armenian Defense Minister Suren Papikyan arrived in Beijing on September 10 after attending a summit in South Korea focused on military artificial intelligence. Under Armenia’s previous administration, military relations with China strengthened, highlighted by a 2012 agreement on “military and military-technical cooperation.” However, Yerevan has not officially confirmed any Chinese weapon acquisitions.

Last year, Chinese military attache An Qiang, based in Yerevan, noted significant potential for collaboration in several areas, including international peacekeeping, humanitarian de-mining, military education, reforms, and technology.


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