Armenia Pushes Forward with Public Administration Reforms and Digitization

| News, Economy, Armenia

On July 2, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received the 2023 activity report from Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan's office.

In the realm of public administration reforms, work was focused on strategic planning, coordination of digitization processes, and improving service quality. The office ensured the quality control and harmonization of strategic documents being developed. Additionally, a new strategic management system was developed in line with international standards and implemented to enhance the effectiveness of strategic management.

The Information Systems Management Council, chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister, coordinated digitization processes. The council presented works on digitalization and the improvement of public service quality, including the progress of the national identification system and the digitalization of services provided to the public based on a "life experience" logic.

Developments in 2023 within the cooperation framework with Armenia's development partners were also highlighted. Specific references were made to joint works with the United Nations, the US Agency for International Development, and international financial organizations.

The office also reported on the Republic of Armenia-European Union cooperation efforts, particularly the progress in implementing the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, measures taken under the EU Economic and Investment Plan's five guidelines, and the agreements reached.

Additionally, the report covered activities within the framework of the EAEU and CIS, and the intergovernmental commissions co-chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Pashinyan emphasized the importance of monitoring the implementation of sectoral strategies, coordinating programs implemented by international partners with those of the Armenian government, and providing specific instructions on other issues.

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