Azerbaijan Becomes Top Natural Gas Supplier to Turkey

| News, Economy, Azerbaijan

On June 28, Azerbaijan exported 3.6752 billion cubic meters of gas to Turkey between January and April 2024. 

This export volume represents a 4.6% increase compared to the same period in 2023. In April 2024 alone, Azerbaijan exported 1.00077 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Turkey, marking a 12.02% increase from April the previous year. Consequently, Azerbaijan became the leading exporter of natural gas to Turkey in April, accounting for 41.8% of Turkey's total natural gas imports.

In April, Turkey's overall gas imports totaled 2.39525 billion cubic meters, which is a 39.85% decrease compared to previous figures. Of this, pipeline gas constituted 1.958 billion cubic meters (81.75% of the total, down 40.38%), and liquefied natural gas (LNG) made up 437.25 million cubic meters (18.25% of the total, down 37.37%).

During April, Turkey received gas supplies from five countries: Azerbaijan, Russia, and Iran via pipeline, and the United States and Algeria via LNG.

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