BRICS Summit in Kazan May Determine Azerbaijan's Membership

| News, Politics, Azerbaijan

On August 21during a statement by Vladimir Dzhabarov, the First Deputy Head of the Russian Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, it was suggested that Azerbaijan's application to join BRICS might be considered at the BRICS summit in Kazan in October 2024. 

Dzhabarov noted that in addition to Azerbaijan's official application, Belarus and Kazakhstan have also expressed interest in joining the alliance. In total, 28 countries from Asia, Africa, and Latin America are seeking full membership or partner status within BRICS. "All the listed prerequisites are good signs for Baku. It is not excluded that Azerbaijan's application may be considered at the BRICS summit in Kazan in October 2024, and a decision on its accession to the association may be made," Dzhabarov stated.

Dzhabarov emphasized that Azerbaijan's independent foreign policy has irritated Western countries, particularly the United States and France. Meanwhile, Baku seeks to build strong relations with states that advocate for a multipolar world, which he described as the right choice. The senator also expressed confidence that other CIS countries, especially those oriented towards cooperation with the SCO, would eventually join BRICS.

As previously reported by Caucasus Watch, on July 11, during the plenary session of the 10th Parliamentary Forum of BRICS countries, Azerbaijani Parliament Speaker Sahiba Gafarova announced Azerbaijan's aspiration to become a full member of BRICS. Gafarova highlighted that Azerbaijan's foreign policy prioritizes dialogue, cooperation, and solidarity, both in bilateral relations and on international platforms, including BRICS. She emphasized that enhancing cooperation at the parliamentary level would support Azerbaijan's goal of joining the organization.

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