Georgian Parliament Passes Controversial Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislative Package

| News, Politics, Georgia

On September 17, the Georgian Parliament adopted the anti-LGBTQ+ legislative package in its third hearing with 84 votes in favor and 0 votes against. The legislative package includes the core bill titled "On Protection of Family Values and Minors," along with 18 amendments to various Georgian laws. Most opposition MPs were absent from the plenary session, as they have been boycotting parliamentary proceedings after adopting the Foreign Agents Law.

Before the vote, 32 civil society organizations (CSOs) issued a statement condemning the package, asserting that the Georgian Dream (GD) party is using the legislation to manipulate public opinion ahead of elections, divert attention from real issues, and foster fear. The CSOs argued that the package, despite its title, does not address pressing problems Georgian families face, such as poverty, inflation, migration, and insufficient infrastructure and education. They also stressed that Georgia's path toward European integration is the only way to resolve these challenges, claiming that the government attempts to hinder this progress through such laws.

The organizations also warned that the package effectively legalizes censorship and interferes with the right to assembly. They further highlighted that while the package targets the LGBTQ+ community, it poses a threat to all citizens by setting a precedent for restricting rights, which could eventually lead to repression against other groups.

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