Hikmеt Hajiyev Addresses Armenia’s COP29 Participation and Peace Treaty Negotiations

| News, Politics, Armenia, Azerbaijan

On September 18, Hikmеt Hajiyev, Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan and Head of the Foreign Policy Affairs Department, stated that the Armenian side must determine the level of its participation in COP29. 

Speaking to journalists, Hajiyev noted that Azerbaijan, as the event host, had extended invitations to all Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. "This is the responsibility of the Republic of Azerbaijan as the host. Azerbaijan is a very good platform for discussing the issues arising from the Convention on Climate Change. Invitations have been sent to all the parties. Of course, the decision regarding the level of participation in the event should be made by all the participating states, and Armenia is no exception," Hajiyev emphasized.

Addressing the peace treaty negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Hajiyev pointed out that for progress to be made, Armenia must amend its Constitution through a referendum, allowing the Armenian people to express their stance. He stressed that Armenia must constitutionally abandon its "utopian claims" of uniting Karabakh with Armenia and declare a desire to live in peace with Azerbaijan. Hajiyev told reporters in Kalbajar that the peace process could proceed more swiftly after such changes. "Armenia recently submitted its proposals on the text of the peace treaty to Azerbaijan, and it took more than 70 days to send those proposals. This is a very long time. If Armenia is serious about advancing the peace treaty and is interested in this issue, the fact that it took 70 days to send a response raises questions."

Hajiyev noted that while agreements have been reached on most parts of the peace treaty, key issues remain unresolved, particularly concerning the Armenian Constitution. He explained that Yerevan's territorial claims against Azerbaijan are a significant concern for Baku. "Peace treaties are usually signed not only with the government but also with the people. Our expectation is that the changes to be made in the Armenian Constitution to achieve a peace treaty will be implemented through a referendum, and the Armenian people will also express their position," Hajiyev stated.

Furthermore, Hajiyev mentioned that a new "Marshall Plan" is being drafted for Armenia. He remarked on the extensive destruction caused by Armenia during the occupation of Azerbaijani territories, including the falsification of private and state properties. He added that while the Government of Azerbaijan funds restoration, reconstruction, and demining efforts, the paradox is that resources are allocated to Armenia despite being responsible for the destruction. Hajiyev also criticized the unequal approaches to Azerbaijan and Armenia, noting, "Even during the occupation, no one called Armenia to end the occupation. Such double approaches regarding the region continue."

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