Hungary Offers to Mediate Peace Talks Between Armenia and Azerbaijan

| News, Politics, Armenia, Azerbaijan

According to Peter Szijarto, Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economic Relations, Hungary has the potential to significantly contribute to the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Szijarto made this statement during the Yerevan Dialogue 2024 international forum held in the Armenian capital on September 10.

“What is happening in the world is really alarming and worrying. All political movements point to the fact that the world is again divided into different blocs. Hungary is against such a world order and is in favor of creating favorable conditions for cooperation between the East and the West,” Szijarto said.

Hungarian FM also noted that Hungary could play a mediating role in the South Caucasus, particularly in normalizing relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. He emphasized that Hungary can engage with both sides of the conflict based on mutual respect. He also suggested that the peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan could be signed in Budapest, Hungary’s capital.

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