International and Domestic Critics Condemn Azerbaijan's Parliamentary Elections for Fraud

| News, Politics, Azerbaijan

On September 4, the United States expressed its concern over Azerbaijan's extraordinary parliamentary elections held on September 1, echoing the observations of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). During a press conference, US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller shared the OSCE's critical assessment of the electoral process, highlighting significant irregularities.

The Election Monitoring Alliance (EMA) raised serious concerns about the electoral environment, including limited competition and severe restrictions on the basic rights and freedoms necessary for a democratic election. The EMA report pointed to widespread legal violations on election day, abuse of administrative resources, and a lack of political pluralism, particularly the dominance of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party. The organization emphasized that these factors overshadowed the legitimacy of the elections, rendering the process unfair and unfree.

The III Republican Platform's analysis also concluded that the elections were conducted with significant fraud, involving ballot stuffing, hindrances to election observation, and "carousel voting." Despite challenges, many young citizens took part as observers, documenting violations. The Platform noted that the newly elected parliament closely resembled the previous one, suggesting that no real reforms had taken place under President Ilham Aliyev’s government.

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee similarly condemned the election as neither free nor fair, citing the repressive conditions under which it took place. Berit Lindeman, Secretary General of the Committee, criticized Azerbaijan’s ongoing suppression of civil society and independent media, emphasizing that credible elections would not be possible until political prisoners were released and pressures on political opponents ceased.

Complaints regarding the election process have been lodged by various political groups, including the Republican Alternative (REAL) Party and independent candidates. Violations such as ballot stuffing, "carousel voting," and voter suppression were noted, with some candidates calling for the annulment of results in specific districts.

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