Pashinyan Suggests Joint Armenia-Azerbaijan Mechanism for Ceasefire Violations

| News, Security, Armenia, Azerbaijan

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan proposed establishing a bilateral mechanism with Azerbaijan to investigate ceasefire violations. This suggestion comes in response to recent statements by the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry about alleged cross-border fire. The proposal was made during a meeting of the Civil Contract Party initiative group in Kapan.

“The reports circulated by the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry can speak about two things: there is indeed a ceasefire violation, or they are trying to create escalation or a background for escalation. In all cases, this is not by our political will, and I have already said that our Defense Ministry denies this situation. And I think that we can clarify the situation every time, it would be good to form a bilateral mechanism for investigating ceasefire violations,” he said.

Nikol Pashinyan further suggested that military prosecutors or other officials from both Armenia and Azerbaijan could be involved in a bilateral mechanism to investigate ceasefire violations.

In a social media post on Friday, an MP from the opposition Pativ Unem faction, Tigran Abrahamyan, suggested that Azerbaijan’s allegations of ceasefire violations by the Armenian military might be aimed at exerting pressure on the Armenian government. According to the MP, the goal could be to restart the border delimitation process in additional sections and extract new concessions.

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