Russia to Review Georgian Party's Appeal for Visa Abolition

| News, Politics, Georgia

On June 15, Dmitry Peskov, the Press Secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin, stated that Russian state agencies would review the appeal from the Georgian party "Solidarity for Peace" to President Putin, which requests the complete abolition of the visa regime between Georgia and Russia.

Peskov commented, "To be honest, I haven’t seen [this appeal]. But if there was one, we will see it. And, of course, our relevant agencies will study this appeal."

Representatives of the pro-Russian Solidarity for Peace party, established in 2023, had appealed to Putin to cancel the visa regime for Georgian citizens and grant amnesty to those who had violated the rules of stay in Russia before the visa regime was eased. Additionally, they requested the relaxation of employment regulations for Georgian citizens in Russia. During the pro-Kremlin party’s second congress in Tbilisi, Solidarity for Peace announced its intention to actively resolve Georgian-Russian relations, including restoring diplomatic relations. 

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