Azerbaijani and Turkish Foreign Ministers Discuss Strategic Alliance in Ankara

| News, Politics, Azerbaijan
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On August 27, Jeyhun Bayramov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, embarked on a business trip to Turkey. 

During this visit, he met with Hakan Fidan, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs. The two ministers' discussions covered a wide range of topics, including political, security, defense, economic-commercial, energy, transport communication, humanitarian issues, and regional and international security concerns.

Both parties emphasized the significance of the ongoing political dialogue, mutual visits, and contacts between the leaders of Azerbaijan and Turkey in strengthening the strategic alliance rooted in their brotherly and friendly relations. They noted with satisfaction that these efforts have yielded practical results in the development of their bilateral relations.

The implementation of student admissions to Turkey-Azerbaijan University, a joint initiative by the leaders of both countries, was highlighted with satisfaction. The high interest in the university was appreciated, and it was emphasized that it would further enhance cooperation in the field of education.

The ministers also discussed cooperation within regional and international organizations, particularly within the Organization of Turkic States framework, which Azerbaijan considers a "family." They noted that cooperation in trilateral and quadrilateral formats significantly contributes to regional stability and security.

Minister Jeyhun Bayramov provided detailed information about Azerbaijan's chairmanship of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29). The discussions also touched on the post-conflict situation in the region, threats to regional peace, and the normalization agenda. The ongoing Armenian claims to the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and Turkey, as well as Armenia's mass militarization policies, were identified as major threats to the peace process.

The meeting also acknowledged Turkey's political and moral support for Azerbaijan during the 44-day Patriotic War and its active participation in the reconstruction efforts in the Karabakh region, which were highly appreciated. Additionally, the ministers exchanged views on other bilateral and regional issues of mutual interest.

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